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This Child Here
Fellowship Presbyterian is proud to support This Child Here, a charitable nonprofit working with the vulnerable youth of Ukraine. The organization trains foster families to receive youth and children from orphanages, trains mentors for youth in facilities, teaches peacemaking skills and attitudes to youth and adults and works with families displaced by war.
Scouts Troop 38, 44 and 45
Fellowship Presbyterian is proud to sponsor Tallahassee Scout Troops 44 and 45. In addition to sponsorship, the church provides the troops with space for meetings, leadership development and a place to celebrate important milestones for the organization and individuals.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a nonprofit that believes that all children deserve a safe, comfortable place to sleep and that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional and mental support that a child needs. Fellowship Church is proud to give and work to achieve this goal.
Church World Service
Fellowship Presbyterian Church is a sponsoring CWS Blanket congregation. Through the sponsorship, we are helping vulnerable neighbors around the world feel safe and keep warm.